Clean Your Criminal Record in North Carolina
Let Us Help Clear Your Name

If you have had a criminal charge or charges that were dismissed or you were given diversion, we may be able help you expunge and erase them. It’s like getting a huge part of your life back.
Consultations Are Confidential

It is important to meet with an attorney in order to insure you have a thorough understanding about expunging your criminal history. Information disclosed before an attorney is hired is always confidential.
Benefits of an Expungement

A criminal charge does not just “go away” on its own. Getting a job, obtaining a professional license, leasing a residence, or gaining admission to college, can be difficult when you have a criminal record in your past.
Start Your North Carolina Expungement Today!
Getting a job, obtaining a professional license, leasing a residence, or gaining admission to college, can be difficult when you have a criminal record in your past. It is important to remove arrests from your criminal history report across North Carolina. Our main office is in Winston-Salem, but our Attorney Network covers the entire state. A criminal charge does not just “go away” on its own. You need an expungement filed with the court to have it removed. Our attorney network covers the entire state of North Carolina. Click the button below to get started!
North Carolina Expungement News

North Carolina Expunctions!

North Carolina Criminal Record Erased or Expunged?

North Carolina Criminal Records Expunged